The following status and abundance codes are based on DeSante and Pyle 1986 and Patton 2001

Status Codes

c Common (occurs in large numbers and/or is widespread in the region)
f Fairly common (occurs in moderate numbers)
u Uncommon (occurs in small numbers)
r Rare (occurs infrequently but regularly; up to a few records per year)
x Extremely rare (few records for the region; unexpected)
l Local (occurs regularly but in less than 10% of region)
e Extirpated /former status
i Irruptive/irregular (peak commonness status is listed)

Seaonal Codes

S Summer Visitor
T Transient ( if unmodfied [see below], then both spring and fall)
W Winter visitor
R Resident
P Perennial visitor (individuals migrate, but species present all year)


* Breeding confirmed
+ Breeding suspected
a Autumn records only (for transients)
s Spring records only (for transients)
as Autumn records predominate (for transients)
sa Spring records predominate (for transients)
p Postbreeding visitor (for transients)


Red-throated Loon xTs, xW At least two records, a transient spring record and at least one winter record
Black Storm-Petrel xS At least one summer record
American White Pelican fW, uS, euS* Fairly common in winter, uncommon in summer, formerly an uncommon breeder
Magnificent Frigatebird xTp Extremely rare postbreeding transient
Cape May Warbler xW, xTa Extremely rare in winter, extremely rare transient primarily in autumn
Orchard Oriole xT, xW At least two records, a transient record and at least one winter record
Brown-headed Cowbird cP* Common perennial resident, confirmed breeding
Lawrence's Goldfinch irW Irregular/irruptive rare winter visitor
House Sparrow cR* Common resident breeds

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