Credits and Disclaimer

Lots of help was required by several Arizona birders, friends, the published Arizona bird records committee reports, and numerous other references to put together this list of Arizona birds by county. I have tried to be as accurate and careful with the data as is reasonable, but like any project of this nature mistakes will happen. In the end it is entirely my responsibility to avoid mistakes or omissions.

I call this the "Unofficial County Bird List Page" because this is NOT a peer-reviewed site and the contents are entirely at my discretion. For an Official List of Arizona's birds see the Arizona Bird Committee Website

The list of Arizona birds included on these pages is derived directly from the comprehensive work of the Arizona Bird Committee, there generosity in making the records accessible is greatly appreciated.

I thank the following individuals for their help and insights into specific counties.

Troy Corman, Tracy McCarthey, Jeff Estis, Steve Ganley, Mark Stevenson, and Roger Radd

Kurt Radamaker
Fountain Hills AZ


Monson, G. and A.R. Phillips. 1981. Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Arizona, 2nd ed. Tucson, Univ of Arizona Press

Phillips, A., J. Marshall and G. Monson. 1964. The Birds of Arizona. Tucson, Univ. of Arizona Press

Witzeman, J., S. Demaree and E Radke. 1997. Birds of Phoenix and Maricopa County. Phoenix, Maricopa Audubon Society

Graham County Chamber of Commerce 'Bird List'


Rosenberg, G.H. 2001 Arizona Bird Committee Report: 1996-1999 Records. W. Birds 32:50-70

Rosenberg, G.H., and Witzeman, J.L. 1998 Arizona Bird Committee Report, 1974-1996: Part 1 (non-passerines). W. Birds 29:199-224

Rosenberg, G.H., and Witzeman, J.L. 1998 Arizona Bird Committee Report, 1974-1996: Part 2 (passerines). W. Birds 30:94-120

Speich, S., and Parker, T.A. 1973 Arizona Bird Records, 1972. W. Birds 4:53-57

Speich, S. and Witzeman, J.L. 1975. Arizona Bird Records, 1973, with additional notes. W. Birds 6:145-155

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